In the foundry’s plant, we provide services mainly for casting Al-alloys, namely as pressure die and mold casting and casting in sand molds.
Pressure die casting
Casting of quality castings from aluminum and aluminum alloys on vertical and horizontal casting machines, wherein the maximum weight of the casting can reach up to 8kg. Possibility of casting with the following standard alloys:
AlSi9Cu (226)
AlSi12 (230)
AlSi10Mg (239)
Al 99.7
AlSi5Mg (235)

The pressure die casting machine park includes machines with a closing force from 160t to 630t. More than half of our foundry machine capacities are equipped with CNC-controlled robotic machines with which we can ensure the quality of our offer and controlled process, while the other machines are classically controlled with manual operation and maintenance furnaces to control the temperature of cast iron. Aluminum is melted in melting furnaces for the preparation of alloys. The quality of the melt is further improved with a degasser. Melt maintenance is performed in electric arc earthenware or chamber furnaces.
Mold casting and sand casting
In addition to pressure die casting, we also have the option of casting with a mold gravity casting machine with four cylinders for more demanding castings, weighing up to 10 kg, and casting in natural sand with manual molding and production of sand cores by Croning or CO2 procedures.
For medium series and castings of larger cross-sections, die-cast gravity casting makes sense. We also use it in case we want to achieve a higher quality of the material structure. After all, the thermal conductivity of die molds is higher than when casting in sand molds, and thus the solidification of the casting takes place during rapid heat dissipation. This leads to an altered crystallization mode that increases the hardness, reduces the grain size, and increases the strength of the castings. The tool can be owned by the customer or we can take care of it by agreement.
The castings are cleaned by trimming with trimming tools on a 40-ton press and grinding on belt machines. Surface treatment of castings is possible by sandblasting or trovalization.